Political memorabilia | Capitol Coin and Stamp, political memorabilia and precious metals
Political memorabilia
916 results total, viewing 913 - 916
Political memorabilia more like this
Political memorabilia
President Clinton Goblet
Item number 42236
Date UNK
Price $50.00 add to cart
Political memorabilia more like this
Political memorabilia
Bush Sr. Bronze Inauguration Medal
Item number 253
Date 1989
Price $50.00 add to cart
Political memorabilia more like this
Political memorabilia
Dewey Tab
Item number 41982
Date 1948
Price $8.00 add to cart
Political memorabilia more like this
Reflectivity on the left side of the button occurred during button …
Political memorabilia
Join The Fighting Irish Vote Miller for VP Campaign Button
Item number 19199
About Reflectivity on the left side of the button occurred during button photography.
Description Reflectivity on the left side of the button occurred during button photography.
Date 1964
Price $12.50 add to cart
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